Friday, October 16, 2009

Al-fatihah buat abah..

he lives in our memory forever...

pg td abah(my uncle) tggalkan kami sume...nk terduduk dpt msg y abah dh kembali ke rahmatullah... susah nk caye. air mate deras mengalir...cepat2 kol acu.belum sempat acu cakap pe2, dh melalak dlm fon. acu suh sedekahkan yasin utk arwah abah. tu je y kak ngah boleh buat sbb kak ngah jauh. rsenye mcm bru lg je skype dgn abh. die suh keje n melancong kat europe kalo ade can. teringat lg mse arwah mrh2 before sending me to airport. he freaked out. i know that for sure. mesti abah takut if i mess up trtggal brg sume. n he seemed so reluctant to take picture wif me before i got in the car. x tau nape. n one thing he kept telling me, for the last two weeks i was in malaysia. tah dpt jumpa angah lg ke x dh lepas ni. myb sbb abah mmg menghidap diabetes y kronik so make sense jugak kalo die cakap mcm tu.yet at that moment, i didnt take the words seriously sgt. never had i imagined he will go when i am away....

Al-Fatihah buat abah...semoga roh abah dicucuri rahmat dn ditempatkan dikalangan org yg beriman. amin.


Kembara Syahadah ~NFES~ said...


takziah..semoga roh allahyarham dicucuri rahmat Allah..amin..Allahummaghfirlahu..amin..

ema seperti faham ape yg z tgh rasa..coz i hv exprienced this before. Ya Allah, ujianMu datang tanpa diduga..Kekuatan hanya dariMu..tabahkan hati kami...Redhakanlah kami dengan segala ketentuanMu yang terselit seribu hikmah...

.a.n.a s.y.u.k.r.i.a.h. said...

zz,,i'm sorry for the strong my dear...

Anonymous said...

zafirah aku puntumpang sedih dgn kehilangan ko.
apepun mesti ade hikmah di sebalik sme ujian ni.
be strong and move on.

zz said...

thanx ape y fatin rse jauh lebih memilukan guys,appreciate ur loved ones when u still can.

h-huda said...

sis dear,
takziah and be strong.take a gud care of urself.

sya mansor said...

so sorry to hear that..


be strong ok

Anonymous said...

takziah zz..wteva be strong k..
we all still support u here..
miz u..

pelita-buluh said...

Innalillah..Dari Dia kita dtg...dan kpd Dia juga kita kembali...

JkiNG said...

smoga rohnye dtmptkn brsma org2 yg briman..
be strong yea...

3F@unsp0ken said...

weh z
takziah, sorry for the lost
we're almost in d same shoes
but slightly differs
ramai btol yg mngahadp ilahi october kali ini.....
al-fatihah buat semua