Friday, January 22, 2010

messing up again, that's me.

slm to those who happen to read this lame blog of mine. thank u for ur support. i t has been soo long since i last wrote something on this. firstly, sori if this blog is going to be full with personal stuff , feeling and emotion but i really feel like reflecting now. it was recently that too many things come together in my head and driving me nuts. and i have been dealing with too much pressure n feel like losing it. well, things have been sorted out but deep down, i know, Allah nk uji. la yukalifullah hu nafsan illa wus' a ha. x diuji seseorang tanpa kemampuannya. n i am no exception. bile renung balik i really need to do something about managing my anger. i was friggin mad last time and it was ugly. it was the crazest thing i have ever done! there was a time when i start thinking to pack my things and runaway. but that's ridiculous. home is thousand miles away. so i juz push the stupid thought to the back of my mind. i wish i'm gone. juz dissapear into the thin air, leaving no trace behind. i am fragile now and start to treat things very emotionally. i'd never allow this to happen before. as a result, i was badly damaged and traumatised by my own attitude. but see, i juz dont know how to stop it. there is something inside me that is really bad and sometimes it turns me into a monster. i know shouldnt let this evil side of me reign supreme. but it was a tragedy, and for those who i have wronged and sinned, pliz forgive me for i am not a good person. i love u guys more than i can say. if i could turn back time, i wouldnt do that. i would juz temper it in silence. and i've been thinking about this a lot, maybe what's missing is courage. courage to face i own sin. i'm a sinner. my life is messing up with me. God, forgive me for what i have done....


h-huda said...

finally u did write something!

dear sis,
run away would solve nothing.just bear with it because there's nothing u cud change about it.

be strong,always be urself and a better u.

take care:)

niny said...

it's okay zack2. At least u realise what u have done. people cannot refrain themselves from making mistakes but dont abuse the chances we get. :) Me and people around us also have ever experienced those.

sya mansor said...

runaway won't solve any problem. u just need some time-out.
doing some reflection is good. it makes u think

zz said...

to k huda: i'll try to be a better me. mucho gracias huda sis!

to niny: i wont abuse my friends anymore, i've learned my lesson this time. thanx deary.

to sya: thanx for always be there for me sya. u r right. i need some time out to blog this stuff up.

::miErA:: said...

zz~ sabo le byk2 yer.. nway..entry ni mmg full..smpai xde perenggan seyh..hehe..clap3**

zz said...

to miera: neway, thanx sudi singgah.